The deputy veterinarian for the state of Kentucky, Bradley Keough, tells me that paramyxovirus (PMV) has been confirmed in a loft in Estill County (southeast of Lexington). The loft is under full quarantine right now. I asked about a connection to the (Louisville) National Young Bird Show and he said the man did not attend. Despite lacking a direct connection, the man in Estill County did say that he recently bought some pigeons from a gentleman at the Preston Court Days who spoke of going to the Louisville show. The LYBS occurs two weeks after Preston Court Days. No one knows who the man was. I don't know what breed of pigeons were purchased at Court Days.
The deputy vet is interested in learning more and performing more testing from anyone who is willing. They went to the man's loft in Estill County and swabbed every pigeon, pheasant, chicken, etc. and some surfaces. They are taking this very seriously. He said that every pigeon tested positive and no other bird on the property was positive. It is a specific strain to Columbiformes.
If you are willing to work with the state, please email me and I will connect you. If you test positive for PMV, I would expect that they would institute a quarantine. Would they require a full de-population? I don't know, but it's a very good possibility. I realize that's not going to encourage anyone to step up. But they are very interested in finding the original source and to try and contain it. I'm sure they will want to work across state lines since attendees of the show were from many states.
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