Meet Cleveland Brooks of Syracuse Racing Pigeon Club

My "real" job is teaching multimedia and storytelling with film. I recently spent a week in Syracuse, NY with the NPPA Multimedia Immersion workshop as a faculty member helping participants hone their video storytelling skills. Never one to miss an opportunity to talk to a pigeon flyer, I looked up Cleveland Brooks and he was kind enough to spend time with me and one of the workshop participants to talk about his pigeons. Much to the delight of the workshop, he even brought some of his pigeons to our official screening party! 

Thank you Cleveland for being such a gracious host to our workshop participant and to me at such a late notice! I loved meeting you, your family and your birds!


See the film by workshop participant Shawn Moore below:


Shawn Moore - Bird Man of Syracuse - NPPA Multimedia Imersion 2018 from Multimedia Immersion on Vimeo.


  • Joe Costanza

    Brings back memories of racing plugins in Syracuse by Cleveland was always a good flyer and a good pigeon man my best goes out to him to keep the sport life 15 seconds

  • De Dykes

    Cleveland was my grandfather’s best friend.. and it funny I saw this because Cleveland was just at my tv shop today to see my father.. Cleveland brooks is a great man and one of a kind

  • Tom Kowall

    Stumbled across this article by accident. I know Cleveland from my flying days with the UTK and MSS clubs. Great man and represents our hobby with dignity!

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